朝陽科技大學 098學年度第1學期教學大綱
Toyota Production System 豐田式生產管理

當期課號 3308 Course Number 3308
授課教師 劉季旋 Instructor LIU,CHI SHUAN
中文課名 豐田式生產管理 Course Name Toyota Production System
開課單位 工業工程與管理系(二進)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 介紹豐田式生產管理基本觀念,系統與方法:
Objectives Introduce the basic idea of Toyota Production System, the following systems and methods:
1. Kanban system to maintain Just-in-time production
2. Production smoothing method to adapt to demand changes
3. Shortening of set-up time for reducing the production lead time
4. Standardisation of operations to attain line balancing
5. Machine layout and the multi-function worker for flexible work force
6. Improvement activities by small groups and the suggestion system to reduce the work force and increase the worker's morale.
7. Visual control system to achieve the Autonamation concept
8. Functional Management system to promote company-wide quality control.
教材 江瑞坤,大野義男,侯東旭合著,豐田的3位1體生產系統,財團法人中衛發展中心發行. Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.期中考30%, 2.個案研討與報告35%, 3.期報告35% Grading 1.middle exam 30%, 2.case study and oral report 35% 3.final report 35%
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~scsliu/
教學內容 一.豐田式生產管理簡介二.平準化生產與標準作業.三.設施佈置.四.後補充的看板生產方式.五.目視管理.六現場改善活動 Syllabus Basic ideas of Toyota Production System, Kanban System, production smoothing method, shortening of set-up time, standardisation of operations, machine layout, improvement activities, visual control system and Functional Management system.