朝陽科技大學 098學年度第1學期教學大綱
English Conversation in the Workplace 在職英語會話

當期課號 3045 Course Number 3045
授課教師 謝文瑜 Instructor  
中文課名 在職英語會話 Course Name English Conversation in the Workplace
開課單位 校訂必修(二在) Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程是進修部二技學生的一學期必修課程。本課程之目標在於延續學生以往所學之英語能力,尤其著重於加強其在職場之英語會話技巧。 Objectives This one-semester course is required for all students who are enrolled in the two-year evening program. The purpose of this course is to expand the English language skills previously acquired by the students and especially to improve their conversational skills, with focus put on workplace dialogues.
教材 1.主教材: Business Venture 2 by Roger Barnard & Jeff Cady, Oxford.
2.補充教材: Profile, pre-Intermediate by Jon Naunton and Mark Tulip, Oxford.
2. Handouts.
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.課堂出席及參與 20%
2.期中考 30%
3.期末考 30%
4.課堂小考及作業 20%
Grading 1. Class attendence and participation 20%
2. Midterm 30%
3. Final 30 %
4. Quiz and assignment 20%
教學內容 本堂課提供學生針對職場英文相關主題, 透過句型歸類, 聽力及口語練習, 小組討論, 角色扮演,讀寫練習,建立學生的聽說讀寫英語能力並能在未來職場上,有效地使用英語溝通. Syllabus This is a course designed to provide students with an opportunity to develop both spoken and written English skills for business purpose. Through sentence pattern practices, listening to the CD, group disscusion, role play and speaking with various activities and reading and writing on business topics and themes, students will build practical language skills they will need to communicate effectively in English for their future careers.