朝陽科技大學 098學年度第1學期教學大綱
Practical English Listening and Speaking 實用英語聽講

當期課號 2357 Course Number 2357
授課教師 劉意鈴 Instructor LIU,YI LING S.
中文課名 實用英語聽講 Course Name Practical English Listening and Speaking
開課單位 應用外語系(四日)二A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 此課程的目的主要為經由加強英語發音、音調和口語練習來提高學生的英語聽講之能力。聽講課程也加強文法觀念和特定的情境用語,學生將瞭解如何開始、維持和結束英語對話的技巧。 Objectives This course is designed to enhance students’ listening and speaking abilities in American English through intensive pronunciation, intonation, and dictation drills. It will also reinforce grammatical structures and specific expressions used in situational contexts. Students will be able to initiate, minimally sustain and close basic task related communications as well as handle simple social situations.
教材 教科書(可於敦煌書局購得)
Live CNN magazine with MP3
Teaching Materials 1.Textbooks (available at Caves Bookstore).
2.Live CNN magazine with MP3
Supplementary materials (to be distributed in class).
成績評量方式 聽力/口說 測驗 (100%) Grading Listening/Speaking Exam (100%)
教學內容 應外系學生請看英語教學大綱
Syllabus The is an extremely intensive and challenging course. Please note that attendance from the first class is of absolute importance!!!

(1) On Perception: student will be trained to listen to the "language";
(the sound/meaning/spelling of words & sentences...etc.)

(2) On Conception: students will be trained towards better understanding/comprehension in English.