朝陽科技大學 098學年度第1學期教學大綱
Soil Mechanics 土壤力學

當期課號 1664 Course Number 1664
授課教師 林基源 Instructor LIN,JI YUAN
中文課名 土壤力學 Course Name Soil Mechanics
開課單位 營建工程系(四日)二B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 土壤為一種不均質的材料,本課程首先探討土壤的組成、種類與結構,繼而針對土壤的物理性質進行土壤分類,再探討土壤的滲透性、壓縮性與剪力強度等工程特性。 Objectives Nature soil deposits are not homogeneous in nature. Soil mechanics is the fundamental subject of geotechnical engineering, and its applications to foundation analysis and design have been extensive during the 20th century. This course covers the properties of soil, such as its origin, grain-size distribution, ability to drain water, compressibility, shear strength and so on.
教材 大地工程原理(第六版),Braja M. Das, 黃安斌譯,高立圖書有限公司
Teaching Materials 1. Illustrations
2. Homeworks
3. Middle term and final examinations
成績評量方式 1.上課精神與出席率(+10分 ~ -10分)
3.二次期中考與一次期末考(25分×3 = 75分)
Grading 1. Present (+10% ~ -10%)
2. Homeworks (25%)
3. Middle term and final examinations (25% × 3 = 75%)
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~jylin/
教學內容 土壤力學為土木工程之一重要科目,針對工程之需要,學生需熟悉其物理性質及工程力學分析,教學內容包括
Syllabus Soil is used as a construction material in various civil engineering projects, and it supports struction foundations. Thus, civil engineers must study the properties of soil, such as its origin, grain-size distribution, ability to drain water, compressitity, shear strength, and load-bearing capacity.