朝陽科技大學 098學年度第1學期教學大綱
Data collection and software application 資料收集與軟體應用

當期課號 1574 Course Number 1574
授課教師 陳文國 Instructor CHEN,WEN KUO
中文課名 資料收集與軟體應用 Course Name Data collection and software application
開課單位 行銷與流通管理系(四日)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程主要讓學生在行銷與流通管理領域的商業模式環境中,學習如何收集與應用學術與產業資料庫、重要圖書館藏、期刊搜尋以及相關資料資源,也從基礎商業軟體的實例演練與進階商業軟體的認識學習且以考取TQC EXCEL 2007 專業級證照為目標。 Objectives This curriculum mainly makes the student experience marketing and logistics business model environment of managing the realm and learn how to collect and take advantage of academic and industrial database, important library hide and journal resources. Students learn from the solid example of business software practice and advanced business
software of understanding learning and aim to get TQC Excel 2007 licence of level 3.
教材 教科書:
2.中華民國電腦技能基金會,EXCEL 2003實力養成暨評量,2008/10/14,碁峰資訊

1.中華民國電腦技能基金會 策劃/陳美玲 編著,EXCEL 2003實力養成暨評量解題秘笈,2009/01/23,碁峰資訊
Teaching Materials Textbooks:
1. the teacher's teaching materials
2. Excel 2003, 碁峰資訊

Suggested additional resource books:
1. EXCEL 2003 (knack), 碁峰資訊
成績評量方式 1. 出席率 10%
2. 上課參與度 10%
3. 期中報告 30%
4. 期末考試(Excel) 50%。若於期末考試前通過TQC-EXCEL 專業級證照,可不參加期末考試。

1. TQC-EXCEL 實用級證照 5%
2. TQC-EXCEL 進階級證照 10%
3. TQC-EXCEL 專業級證照 15%
Grading 1. participation 10%
2. in-class discussion 10%
3. midterm paper proposal 30%
4. final exam 50%
(While you get the TQC Excel licence of level 3, you pass the final exam.)

While you get the TQC Excel licence, you get 5% (Level 1),10% (Level 2), or 15% (Level 3) EXTRA bonus scores.
教學內容 在現今競爭激烈的商業環境中,良好的決策品質常能使企業大幅度的領先競爭者,而決策品質有賴於精確的資訊。本課程,將介紹幾種取得資訊的途徑,並希望同學能透過資訊科技的輔助重新整理與詮釋所整理的資訊。 Syllabus Making a good decision is an important way to get more competitiveness than other competitors. The good decision-making is based on the quality of information. This course covers skills, methods, and techniques for collecting, managing, and interpreting data.