朝陽科技大學 098學年度第1學期教學大綱
Freshman English 大一英文

當期課號 0274 Course Number 0274
授課教師 林奇臻 Instructor Lin,Chi Jen
中文課名 大一英文 Course Name Freshman English
開課單位 校訂必修(四日) Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程是日間部四技大一學生的兩學期必修課程。此共同英文課程的具體目標為提升學生各項語文技能:一、聽:能理解日常生活裡人際溝通之英語,並做適當之回應。二、說:能與同儕、友人或教師以英語做真實而有意義的溝通。三、讀:能善加運用英文閱讀策略,了解一般文章的內容大意。四、寫:能以英文語句、段落及文章,清楚而完整地表達意見。 Objectives This two-semester course is required for all freshmen who are enrolled in the four-year day program. It is a general English course that aims to enhance the main skills in English language learning as follows:Listening: To be able to understand daily conversational English and to respond properly.Speaking: To be able to communicate with classmates, friends, and teachers in English in a natural and meaningful fashion.Reading: To be able to apply various reading strategies in understanding the content of general articles.Writing: To be able to clearly express opinions with various phrases, paragraphs, and articles.
教材 Step Forward 4 (敦煌)

作者:Jane Spigarelli . Ingrid Wisniewska . Barbara R. Denman
出版社:Oxford University Press
Teaching Materials Step Forward 4

Author:Jane Spigarelli . Ingrid Wisniewska . Barbara R. Denman
Publishe by Oxford University Press
成績評量方式 平時成績 (出缺席, 作業) 25%
期中考 25%
期考報告 25%
期末統一會考 20%
悅讀列車計畫讀本-1學期2本 5%
Grading Attendance, Assignments 25%

Mid-term Exam 25%

Final Presentation 25%

Final Exam 20%

Self-Study Reading 5%
教師網頁 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/businesswriting-inenglish/
教學內容 * Vocabulary(字彙篇),以情境式的圖照指導學生主題字彙,將單字套用在簡單對話,了解基本的單字運用。

* Life Stories(生活集錦篇),搭配聽力,以生活情境將字彙套用在句子或故事,認識主要句型。帶入書寫練習 Real-Life Writing,以範例指導學生書信寫作。

* Grammar(文法篇),針對句型文法,以表格和習題,加強文法觀念。

* Everyday Conversation(每日會話篇),專注於「會話」及「發音」。例:帳單、薪資單、掛號單、貸款單、租屋、價錢標示等。

* Real-Life Reading(實際生活短讀篇),以報章雜誌文章,網路文章或廣告或說明書,例如:緊急疏散圖、服藥指示、食物成分、數據與圖表分析等。
Syllabus This course is a standards-based, four skills emphasizing the language skills needed to be successful at home, in the community, and at work.

Student-centered instruction that supports learner persistence.