朝陽科技大學 097學年度第2學期教學大綱
Music and Life 音樂與生活

當期課號 9075 Course Number 9075
授課教師 洪思穎 Instructor Hong,Szu Ying
中文課名 音樂與生活 Course Name Music and Life
開課單位 藝文涵養課群(進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Chinese and Art Appreciation
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 培養學生對精緻音樂的基本認識與興趣,並使其與生活結合; 透過CD與影碟的欣賞及音樂知識的講解,建立學生的基本欣賞曲目與知識 Objectives cultivating basic knowledge and interest in refine music, and relating it to everyday life.
教材 -由講師依課程規劃, 蒐集研究資料撰寫
-正式發行之CD, DVD, 影片
Teaching Materials -Teaching materials will be based on instructor's own research and arrangement.
- Officially published CD, DVD, and film.
成績評量方式 出席率- 10%
課堂熱忱度- 10%
星座音樂蒐集報告- 20%
電影配樂製作報告- 20%
期中考- 20%
期末考- 20%
Grading Attendance- 10%
Class participation- 10%
Presentation on constellation music- 20%
Final project on film music- 20%
Midterm- 20%
Final- 20%
教學內容 第一週- 星座音樂:摩羯座與水瓶座作曲家- 普契尼與莫札特, 其歌劇與小品
第二週- 雙魚座與牡羊座作曲家- 蕭邦與巴赫, 其鋼琴曲與大提琴組曲
第三週- 金牛座與雙子座作曲家- 柴可夫斯基與舒曼, 其芭蕾舞劇與鋼琴組曲
第四週- 學生發表符合自己星座個性喜好的古典音樂作品與作曲家
第五週- 巨蟹座與獅子座作曲家- 馬勒與德布西, 其交響曲與管絃樂曲
第六週- 處女座與天秤座作曲家- 德佛札克與聖桑, 其大提琴協奏曲與標題音樂
第七週- 天蠍座與射手座作曲家- 帕格尼尼與白遼士, 其小提琴與聲樂曲
第八週- 學生發表符合自己星座個性喜好的古典音樂作品與作曲家
第九週- 期中考
第十週- 各式樂器家族風格, 簡介, 代表作欣賞
第十一週- 交響樂團器樂配置, 交響曲欣賞
第十二週- 戲劇, 廣告, 電影配樂概述
第十三週- 電影"聽見天堂"與名曲欣賞
第十四週- 電影配樂由來演變, 知識分類, 製作過程, 器樂配置
第十五週- 著名電影配樂與其畫面片段欣賞
第十六週- 著名電影配樂欣賞, 學生期末報告討論
第十七週- 學生為電影畫面片段製作搭配隻背景音樂發表
第十八週- 期末考
Syllabus Week 1- Constellation Music: Capricorn and Aquariut composers- Puccini and Mozart. Listening of their opera and short pieces.
Week 2- Pisces and Aries composers- Chopin and Bach. Listening of their piano work and cello suite.
Week 3- Taurus and Gemint composers- Tchaikovsky and Schumann. Listening of their ballet and piano suite.
Week 4- Student's presentation on their favorite classical music and composer based on their own constellation.
Week 5- Cancer and Leo composers- Mahler and Debussy. Listening to their symphony and orchestra works.
Week 6- Virgo and Libra composers- Dvorak and Sant-sent. Listening of their cello concerto and theme work.
Week 7- Scorpio and Sagttarius composers- Paganini and Berlioz. Listening of their violin and vocal works.
Week 8- Student's presentation on their favorite classical music and composer based on their own constellation.
Week 9- Midterm
Week 10- Instrument style, brief introduction, representative works.
Week 11- Orchestra instrumentation; symphony works listening.
Week 12- Brief introduction of theater, commercial, and movie background music.
Week 13- Movie "Red Like The Sky" and it's background music.
Week 14- The origin, development, knowledge, processing, and instrumentation of film music.
Week 15- Famous film music and picture.
Week 16- Famous film music; discussion of students' final project.
Week 17- Students' presentation of film music.
Week 18- Final