朝陽科技大學 097學年度第2學期教學大綱
Quantitative Research and Statistics 量化研究與統計

當期課號 7353 Course Number 7353
授課教師 李克明 Instructor LEE,KEH MING
中文課名 量化研究與統計 Course Name Quantitative Research and Statistics
開課單位 應用外語系碩士班一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程包括兩部份,第一部份涵蓋全部描述統計完整的範圍,主要內容為常用的精簡各類資料的統計方法,及其結果的意義;第二部份闡述推論統計的基本概念與原理,主要內容為假設考驗與估計的理論基礎及應用。藉由教材的循序結構,配合例題的講解實作,使學生能熟悉處理資料時的程序,對於資料分析結果能正確解釋其意義,並培養科學態度與邏輯思考能力。 Objectives This course includes two parts. The first part covers whole area of descriptive statistics. The maim content is about statistical methods often used in simplifying different kinds of data, and the meaning of their results. The second part explains basic concepts and principles of inferential statistics. The main content is about theoretical foundation and application of hypothesis testing and estimation. Through the highly-organized teaching materials, along with the example explanations and practice, students should be familiar with the process of data analysis, and explain the meaning of the results correctly.
教材 吳明隆、涂金堂 (民97)。SPSS與統計應用分析 [SPSS & the Application and Analysis Statistics]。台北:五南。 Teaching Materials 吳明隆、涂金堂 (民97)。SPSS與統計應用分析 [SPSS & the Application and Analysis Statistics]。台北:五南。
成績評量方式 1. 平時表現 30%
2. 期中考 30%
3. 期末考 40%
Grading 1. Classroom participation 30%
2. Mid-term examinatio 30%
3. Final examination 40%
教學內容 1.Course Introduction
2.Introducing quantitative research
3.The design of questionnaire I
Reading: SPSS & the Application and Analysis Statistics Chapter 1
4.The design of questionnaire II
5.Research questions and data analysis
Reading: SPSS & the Application and Analysis Statistics Chapter 2 Reading: research methods for social science chapter 4
6.Research paper sharing / Writing research proposals and reports
Reading: research methods for social science chapter 7
7.Research discussion
8.Research proposal representation & critique I
9.Research proposal representation & critique II
10.Introducing SPSS I
Reading: SPSS & the Application and Analysis Statistics Chapter 3 & 4
11.Introducing SPSS II
Reading: SPSS & the Application and Analysis Statistics Chapter 3 & 4
12.Basic statistic analysis I – t test
Reading: SPSS & the Application and Analysis Statistics Chapter 9
13.Basic statistic analysis III – ANOVA
Reading: SPSS & the Application and Analysis Statistics Chapter 10
14.Basic statistic analysis II – correlation coefficient
Reading: SPSS & the Application and Analysis Statistics Chapter 6
15.Basic statistic analysis IV – Linear regression
SPSS & the Application and Analysis Statistics Chapter 11
16.Research discussion
17.Final presentation & critique I
18.Final presentation & critique II
Syllabus 1.Course Introduction
2.Introducing quantitative research
3.Research idea presentation/discussion
4.The design of questionnaire I
Reading: SPSS & the Application and Analysis Statistics Chapter 1
Questionnaire sample critique
5.The design of questionnaire II
Questionnaire presentation/discussion
6.Research paper sharing / Writing research proposals and reports
Reading: research methods for social science chapter 7
7.Research discussion
8.Research proposal representation & critique I
9.Research proposal representation & critique II
10.Introducing SPSS I
Reading: SPSS & the Application and Analysis Statistics Chapter 3 & 4
11.Introducing SPSS II
Reading: SPSS & the Application and Analysis Statistics Chapter 3 & 4
12.Basic statistic analysis I – t test
Reading: SPSS & the Application and Analysis Statistics Chapter 9
13.Basic statistic analysis III – ANOVA
Reading: SPSS & the Application and Analysis Statistics Chapter 10
14.Basic statistic analysis II – correlation coefficient
Reading: SPSS & the Application and Analysis Statistics Chapter 6
15.Basic statistic analysis IV – Linear regression
SPSS & the Application and Analysis Statistics Chapter 11
16.Research discussion
17.Final presentation & critique I
18.Final presentation & critique II