朝陽科技大學 097學年度第2學期教學大綱
Administration and Diagnosis of Leisure Industry 休閒產業經營分析與診斷

當期課號 7115 Course Number 7115
授課教師 李宜玲 Instructor LI,YI LING
中文課名 休閒產業經營分析與診斷 Course Name Administration and Diagnosis of Leisure Industry
開課單位 休閒事業管理系碩士班二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 休閒遊憩產業於21世紀已為明星產業,同時也是政府重點施政方針產業之一,本課程將經由企業診斷、內部控制、內部稽核與休閒產業的經營與管理作為本課程之授課主軸,並於各單元中深入介紹診斷之技術與方法,期使學習者能於課程中學習如何使休閒遊憩事業之經營績效予以提昇,及在課程中深入淺出的了解休閒遊憩事業的經營管理成功之關鍵因素,期能協助學習者了解與應用企業診斷以達成經營休閒遊憩事業的永續發展的企業共同願景。 Objectives In order to train professionals in the dingnosis of recreation management,This course offers in fundamented theories,such as :Recreation concepts、Leisure activity、Leisure strategy management、Operation management、Financial management、Marketing management、R & D management、Risk & emergenecy management、dingnosis of recreation management etc,This course also strongly emphasizes a case study approach and learning by practical training,The main research functions include providing experience of recreation management strategies、sustainable leisure & recreation enterprise.
教材 教科書: 教師自編個案教材
(1) Management (7 ed./ 2002) – S .P. Robbins – 華泰出版
(2) 管理個案集 – 義守大學– 滄海出版
Teaching Materials teaching materials edited by the lecturer
成績評量方式 (1)平時表現:10%
Grading (1)attendance:10%
(2)discussion participation and oral presentation:20%
(4)term paper:20%
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~yiling/
教學內容 藉由課程單元主題的講授、課堂參與討論、個案研討,結合理論探討、個案分析、適當回饋,有效幫助同學瞭解休閒產業經營分析與診斷的內涵、原理原則,及管理實務應用。 Syllabus through topic lecturing, case stduy and proper feedback to offering students insight of various aspects of business consulting theory and practice.