朝陽科技大學 097學年度第2學期教學大綱
Introduction of Leisure Industrial Interpretation 解說概論

當期課號 3256 Course Number 3256
授課教師 陳智峰 Instructor Chen,Chin Feng
中文課名 解說概論 Course Name Introduction of Leisure Industrial Interpretation
開課單位 休閒事業管理系(四進)一B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 說明解說概論及解說原則,透過解說單元的說明,並要求學生依課程進度分組進行作業及演練。 Objectives The students will be asked to write homework depents on schedule in this semester.
The purpose of this class is guide student to realize and to practice in interpretation.
教材 解說概論,作者:張明洵著 / 林玥秀
Teaching Materials Introduction to explain the author: Zhang Xun forward / Lin Yue Xiu Press: ALi culture Publishing date: 2002.10.01 ISBN: 9578184328
成績評量方式 平時40% (出席率+學習態度+參與精神) +期中考30% +期末考30% Grading oridinary 40% + mid-term test 30& + final test 30%
教師網頁 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/moo-tour
教學內容 以觀光資源觀點講授及分析遊客行為現象,而透過實際案例說明解說的理論與實務,並利用遊憩活動設計與解說服務的了解與操作,以期學生瞭解如何掌握遊客行為與環境的互動,進而引導遊客行為與環境之間建立正確的旅遊關係。 Syllabus Tourism resources in order to teach point of view and analysis of the behavior of tourists, but through actual cases that explain the theory and practice, and the use of recreational activities designed to explain and understand the services and operations with a view to the students to understand how visitors conduct interaction with the environment, and guide Visitor behavior and the environment between the right of the relationship between tourism.