朝陽科技大學 097學年度第2學期教學大綱
Interview Skills 會談技巧

當期課號 2402 Course Number 2402
授課教師 翁樹澍 Instructor WONG,SHU SHU
中文課名 會談技巧 Course Name Interview Skills
開課單位 社會工作系(四日)一B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 藉由理論講授與小組實務演練,協助同學了解助人的意義,助人的模式,並學習助人三階段之各項技巧等。 Objectives The contents of this course include: The meaning and model of interview, and the skills of interview stages.
教材 林美珠,田秀蘭合譯(2000).助人技巧.台北:學富文化事業有限公司.黃惠惠(民81)助人歷程與技巧。台北:張老師出版社。張德聰等(民77)有效的輔導員。台北:張老師出版社。王文秀等譯(民89)助人者的晤談策略。台北:心理出版社。張德聰等(民82)諮商技巧訓練手冊。台北:天馬出版社。 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 (一)平時成績20%出缺席狀況﹑課堂參與討論﹑演練1.全學期點名十次,缺席一次扣學期總分1.5分。2.遲到、早退一次扣學期總分0.5分。3.於課堂中進行實務演練:三人輪流擔任個案、助人者、觀察員,舉手分享答案者每次加學期總分0.5分(二)作業成績20% 三人小組組-會談技巧實務演練1.三人輪流擔任:個案、助人者、觀察員,以組為單位每週交一份作業(A4一張一千字以內),由觀察員負責撰寫,內容包括:會談過程;個案、觀察員對助人者的回饋;助人者的自我檢討2.自第四週起於每單元上課完當週星期五中午前交至系辦翁老師信箱中。(三)期中考30%(四)期末報告30%第十五週截止繳交1.字數4000字以上,手寫者600字稿紙橫寫,打字者A4。2.找一個助人機構(學校學生諮商中心、校外「張老師」、「生命線」、等)實際接受晤談,撰寫心得報告。
Grading 10% Class participation 50% 6 Tests 20% Midterm Exam 20% Final Paper: Two interviews (40 minutes each section), tape recorded with transciption.
教師網頁 http://swdept.ctl.cyut.edu.tw/xms/index.php?reload=1&favoriteMode=2&view=news/list.php
教學內容 會談技巧以理論講述、分組報告討論、錄影帶賞析、實作演練協助學生學會:專注與傾聽、基本同理的探問、具體、挑戰、高層次同理心、協助案主發展改變性的方案、選擇與承諾、協助案主得到他們需要的等助人技巧。 Syllabus Interviewing is one of the most important skills in social service and delivery. A valid interview is not only helpful to clarify client’s problems, but also helpful to explore useful resources. The course content will include understanding the nature of interviewing, understanding human nature, how to interview, what to look for in interviewing etc. In addition to the lectures in theories and concepts, some illustrative interviews will be discussed in the class. Also, students are required to practice in the class as well as field work experiences.In addition to lectures, students are required to prepare the class and participate in the class. English will be the major language for teaching, however, students can use their native language (Madarin or Taiwanese) while practicing interviewing skills and field work.