朝陽科技大學 097學年度第2學期教學大綱
Topics on Architectural Programming 建築計畫特論

當期課號 1898 Course Number 1898
授課教師 陳信安 Instructor CHEN,HSIN AN
中文課名 建築計畫特論 Course Name Topics on Architectural Programming
開課單位 建築系(四日)二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 教學目標--教導學生於從事有關建築設計實務工作前,能經由對客體之收集資料以研究了解,而能對各種建築類型內容有所認知,並使其具有擬定計畫內容,撰寫書面報告,評估方案及表達說明之能力。進而俾利於建築設計成果臻於完善。 主要內容-- 1.重要建築類型之規範內容、空間計畫、環境系統、營建程序、評估體系等知識體。 2.建築計畫書之格式與實務探討。 3.學校建築空間再造之計畫書撰寫。 Objectives The goals of this course is enable students to recognize the entire context of distinguished architectural types by means of practical project design, programming research and design evaluation process. The contents of this courses include the following : 1. architecture theory-the relationships between the physical needs and natural-ecology environment. 2.architectural Prototype and space programming . 3.environment system planning . 4.architectural design and programming process . 5.post-Occupancy evaluation.
教材 1. 自編講義
2. 參考書目
(1)楊紹裘 編著/建築計劃/Building Programming/臺北市:普大,民67[1978]
(2)黃定國 編著/建築計劃/Architecture Programming/臺北市:大中國,民72[1983]
(3)赫希柏格(Hershberger, Robert G.) 著;呂以寧,張文男譯/建築計畫:與設計前的管理程序/Architectural programming and predesign manager/臺北市:麥格羅希爾出版:六合總代理,2001[民90]
(4)威廉‧潘那(William M. Pena),史蒂芬‧派修(Steven A. Parshall)原著;呂以寧譯/尋找問題:建築計畫入門/Problem seeking: an architectural programming primer,4th ed./臺北市:六合,2005[民94]
(5)張效通 著/建築計畫理論與應用/Theory and application of architecture planning/張效通等著/臺北市:實力建築及都市文化出版:六合總經銷,民83[1994]
(6)杜爾克(Duerk, Donna P.)原著/建築計劃導論/[杜爾克]Donna P. Duerk原著;宋立垚譯/臺北市:六合,民86
(8)澀谷英薾 執筆代表/超高層事務所/東京市:市谷,1987[民76]
(9)林憲德 著/建築風土與節能設計:亞熱帶氣候的建築外殼節能計畫/Climatic context and energy conservation design of architecture: planning of energy conservation for building envelope in subtropical climate/臺北市:詹氏,民86[1997]
Teaching Materials 1. Make up the teaching materials by oneself
2. Architectural programming and predesign manager/Hershberger, Robert G./2001
成績評量方式 1. 期中課堂簡報佔20%。
2. 期末考佔30%。
3. 學期總結報告(某案件之建築計畫書)30%。
4. 網路學習及課堂出席狀況20%。
Grading 1.Team presentation: 20%
2.Final test: 30%
3.Final term-report: 30%
4.Performance in network study and classroom: 20%.
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~anarch/
教學內容 1. 建築計畫與設計前之管理程序
2. 建築類型之空間計畫(Space Programming)內容研究與分析
  (1) 幼兒學習空間與環境類型建築
  (2) 國中小學校園規劃設計類型
  (3) 中等以上校園規劃與學校建築類
  (4) 辦公會議性質建築類型
  (5) 商場購物性質建築類型
  (6) 特殊機能性質之建築類型(體育、科技、專業技術)
3. 環境系統之計畫(Environment System)
4. 建築程序計畫(Programming)
5. 報告書格式
Syllabus 1. The Architectural programming and predesign manager.
2. The norm of the major building type ( Space Programming). The content studying and analysing are following:
  (1)The kindergarden.
  (2)The primary school campus.
  (3)The over medium-level campus   programming and school buildings.
  (4)The office and assembly buildings.
  (5)The shopping mall and market buildings.
(6)The special function buildings( Sports, science and technology, professional technique)
3. Plan of the environmental system.
4. Procedure plan of the building programming.
5. Formate of the report.