朝陽科技大學 097學年度第2學期教學大綱
Appreciation and Application of Chinese(II) 中文鑑賞與應用(二)

當期課號 1768 Course Number 1768
授課教師 謝金池 Instructor HSIEH,CHIN CHIH
中文課名 中文鑑賞與應用(二) Course Name Appreciation and Application of Chinese(II)
開課單位 校訂必修(四日) Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 中文鑑賞與應用(二)旨在強化學生語文訓練,因此設計出:自傳、履歷、書信、企劃書、文章書寫、書評、簡報…等相關內容,並要求配合時代趨勢,進行實際寫作活動,以期畢業後能實際運用在工作生活中。 Objectives This course aims at enhancing the training of the students’ Chinese language abilities. For this purpose, the contents of the course include: autobiography, curriculum vitae, letter, project proposal, literary writing, criticism, presentation, …. By matching the trends of today’s workplace, students will engage in writing the contents mentioned above. We hope that students can apply their learning into their works when they graduate.
教材 自編 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中考及平時成績各佔30%;期末考佔40% Grading  
教學內容 國文能力的培養,在於文字能力、文學能力、文化能力的精進,本課程希望可以在課程中融入以上要求,在教學上,再以現代文學訓練大家的文學鑑賞能力,至於文字能力則融合所有課程加以補充,希望可以增加大家中文的各種能力。 Syllabus The purpose of the course is to broaden the scope and depth of students" appreciation for Chinese literature. In the mean time, it will enhance students" abilities in reading and writing. In classes, we will explore many domains of Chinese literature to study the use of words, expression, and culture. Therefore, students will not only improve their ability to appreciate literature but also enhance the ability in independent and logical thinking.