朝陽科技大學 097學年度第2學期教學大綱
Decision Support System 決策支援系統

當期課號 1707 Course Number 1707
授課教師 洪弘祈 Instructor HORNG,HORNG CHYI
中文課名 決策支援系統 Course Name Decision Support System
開課單位 工業工程與管理系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 介紹決策支援系統之基本架構與觀念:包括決策、資料與資料庫管理、模式與模式庫管理,與使用者介面。另對群組決策支援系統(GDSS)與企業資訊系統(EIS)做一簡介。 Objectives To teach students about the basic concept and the architecture of a DSS, including Decision and Decision Making, Data and Database Management, Models and .Model Base Management, and User Interface. Special topics on GDSS, EIS, and Expert System are also given.
教材 Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems, 8th Edition, E. Turban et. al., (Pearson Prentice Hall), 2007. 華泰書局代理。 Teaching Materials Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems, 8th Edition, E. Turban et. al., (Pearson Prentice Hall), 2007. 華泰書局代理。
成績評量方式 Project 60%
Exam 40%
Grading Project 60%
Exam 40%
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~hchorng
教學內容 此課程概述決策支援系統的基本架構與各組成要件。課程重點除詳細介紹既有之決策支援系統外,更著重於因資訊科技而帶來之新一代決策支援工具。主要授課主題包括模式與系統、決策理論、資料庫管理、模式庫管理、使用者介面、群體決策、以及專家系統等。本課程透過兩個完整的專題報告來增進學生建構決策支援系統的技巧,並據以提昇學生的溝通及寫作能力。

使學生能夠a. 了解決策支援系統在實務上之應用。b. 設計簡易之決策支援系統。c. 蒐集建構多元決策模式所需之資料,並使用AHP軟體(Expert Choice 2000)來分析資料。d. 驗證決策模式、並進行敏感度分析。
e. 了解當代最新之決策支援工具,如專家系統、模糊理論、類神經網路等。f. 掌握決策過程之重要資訊。g. 以書面方式,有效溝通決策分析結果與決策支援系統之建構。
Syllabus To teach students about the basic concept and the architecture of a DSS, including Decision and Decision Making, Data and Database Management, Models and Model Base Management, and User Interface. Special topics on GDSS, EIS, and Expert System are also given. Students are required to complete two projects to enhence their capacity in constructing a DSS, as well as the ability in communication and writing skill.