朝陽科技大學 097學年度第1學期教學大綱
Introduction to Gerontology 老人學概論

當期課號 9073 Course Number 9073
授課教師 蕭文高 Instructor HSIAO,WEN KAO
中文課名 老人學概論 Course Name Introduction to Gerontology
開課單位 跨院通識(進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Intercollegiate General Education Topics
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程在提供老人學之基礎知識,透過對老人生理與心理及居住、教育、休閒等各種生活層面的了解,以做為修習其他老人服務事業管理相關課程之基礎。 Objectives This course introduces the basic concepts of gerontology. With studying physiology and psychology of senior citizen and their various life sides’s(ex.residence, education, leisure) understanding, it will be a foundation for further studying related courses of senior citizen service management.
教材 1.老人學,梅陳玉嬋等,五南,2006
2.社會老人學,邱天助著,基礎文化創意 ,2007
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 課堂作業20%
Grading Homework20%
Midterm Exam30%
Final Exam30%
教學內容 老,病,死是人生的過程.在平均壽命持續延長當中,我們如何活出自己,並自我完成?生活涵蓋許多的層面與價值,老人自職場退出後,在家庭中的角色逐漸改變.本課程將自老人的身體與心理的變化開始導入,藉由各種生活面向來與同學共同思維老後的生活. Syllabus Old, illness, the death are processes of the lives. We live like ourselves, and how are we completed by ourselves while an average life span lengthens? The life is tinged with many sides and value. This course will think about gerontology with students.