朝陽科技大學 097學年度第1學期教學大綱
yoga 瑜珈

當期課號 9036 Course Number 9036
授課教師 賴金模 Instructor LAY,JIN MO
中文課名 瑜珈 Course Name yoga
開課單位 選項體育課群(進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Sports Elective
學分數 0 Credits 0
課程目標 以(yoga)伸展導引等體位法入法,結合音樂等的共鳴與身心靈的共振作用,強化體能,淨化心靈,美化生活. Objectives Students of Yoga practice it by means of doing some bodily exercises like stretching to introduce their bodies to start the whole yoga program. At the same time, they listen to some pieces of harmonious music to help them reach an exalted state of peace and harmony among bodies, minds, and souls. And the purpose is to help them strengthen bodies, purify souls, and create a beautiful life.
教材 身體.軟墊 Teaching Materials the body、an ottoman
成績評量方式 出席率 30%
期中考 30%
期末考 40%
Grading attendance 30%
mid-term 30%
finall 40%
教學內容 一.鬆身舒筋法1.金剛坐法 6.拜日式
2.左顧右盼 7.雲手磨鏡
3.左右逢源 8.鴛鴦相會
4.翻江倒海 9.大鵬展翅
5.俯仰無愧 10.人休息式
Syllabus 一.relax extend style
1.jin gang sit style
2.to glance right and left
3.to gain adrantage both sides
4.the river and pset
二.yoga sytle