朝陽科技大學 097學年度第1學期教學大綱
Rhythmical activities 韻律

當期課號 9033 Course Number 9033
授課教師 郎秀玲 Instructor CANG,HSIU LING
中文課名 韻律 Course Name Rhythmical activities
開課單位 選項體育課群(進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Sports Elective
學分數 0 Credits 0
課程目標 一項全身性有氧運動,熱量消耗可達到減肥效果,且因舞步易學新穎,動作變化多端,有健身、享受運動樂趣及豐富休閒生活等功能。尤其對健康、體能如心肺適能、肌肉適能、柔軟度等改善效果佳,並可減少體脂肪百分比,透過有氧舞蹈增強對有氧運動、健康體能的認知,了解正確的健身運動法。 Objectives Course description: A whole body aerobic exercise. It helps get rid of fat through consuming lots of calories. Because of the fashion and ever changing steps of aerobic dancing, it brings the functions of strength the body, enjoy the pleasure of exercise, and rich the leisure life. It especially improves the physical fitness, such as Flexilibity,muscle strength,cardiospiratory Fitness , and can also reduce the percentage of fat People can know more about aerobic exercises and healthy physical fitness through the learning of aerobic dancing, it can further encourage friends and relatives to do more exercise, then improve the health of everyone.
教材 音響.麥克風.錄音帶.瑜珈墊.階梯踏板 Teaching Materials Stadio.Microphone.Tape.Yoga cushionpad.
成績評量方式 出席30%
Grading Participation 30%
Mid-term Exam. 30%
Final Exam. 40%
教學內容 1.認識舞蹈類型
Syllabus 1.Introduction to various dancing styles
2.Various expressions of limbs
3.Exercises of rhythmic movement
4.Dancing to the music