朝陽科技大學 097學年度第1學期教學大綱
Design Culture Planning 設計文化計畫

當期課號 7732 Course Number 7732
授課教師 曾永玲 Instructor ,
中文課名 設計文化計畫 Course Name Design Culture Planning
開課單位 設計研究所碩士在職專班二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 為人類而設計是工業設計的一個重要的主流概念,但是有關人類的設想似乎過於化約為個人,甚至包括生活形態研究亦有此傾向,殊不知人是存在歷史、社會、文化的洪流之中,簡單的說,人是社會性的動物,設計師要瞭解人類的需求,尚必須從使用者所處的歷史文化中去探求,不但如此,在講求設計對於使用者的意義的新設計時代,設計更需從社會文化中,去瞭解與尋求能讓使用者感動或與使用者有關連的設計元素,而社會文化到底是什麼?如何瞭解之?其內容為何?社會文化曾如何的影響設計?在往後的設計上又當如何考慮社會與文化?這些問題的釐清是本課程的主要目標。 Objectives Design for people is an important mainstream concept of industrial design. However, all the related considerations of people have been reduced to individual. So are the studies of life style. However, we have to know people do exist in the powerful current of history, society, and culture. In short, people are socialized animal. To understand human needs, a designer has to explore through the history and culture of the intended users. Furthermore, in the new design age of emphasizing the meaning of design toward the users, design activities had better dig into the social culture to understand and to figure out what are the design elements which can be employed to touch the emotion of the users. Nevertheless, what is social culture? How can we understand it? What are its contents? How will social culture influence design? How should a design take into account the society and culture. The clarification of all of these questions is the main objective of this course.
教材 自編教材 Teaching Materials Teaching materials
成績評量方式 報告(書面及口頭報告)平時作業課堂討論 Grading Report (writing and oral report) Ordinary school assignments Classroom discuss
教學內容 1.社區營造方法與案例
Syllabus 1.Society and community
2.Cultrul Industry in Taiwan
3.Field survey and education
4.Case study