朝陽科技大學 097學年度第1學期教學大綱
Cultural Studies 文化研究

當期課號 7330 Course Number 7330
授課教師 蘇惠 Instructor SU,HSIU HUI
中文課名 文化研究 Course Name Cultural Studies
開課單位 應用外語系碩士班二A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程將引導學生依目前文化對少數民族、階層、性別、國家主義、全球化及其他重要主題做探究。 Objectives This course will introduce students to ethnicity, class, gender, nationalism, globalization and other important topics in current cultural research.
教材 Please refer to the English version. Teaching Materials 1.Samovar,L.A ,Porter, R.E.& Mcdaniel E.R.(2007). Communication between cultures (6th edition), Canada: Thomson Wadsworth.
2.Hall, J.K.(2002).Teaching and Researching-Language and Culture,U.S.A.:Pearson.
3.Levine,D.R.& Adelman, M.B.(1993).Beyond Language-Cross-Cultural Communication (2nd edition), U.S.A.: Prentice-Hall.
成績評量方式 Please refer to the English version. Grading 1.Attentance, participation, discussion - 30%
2.Oral report 20%
3.Mid-term Exam. (eg.,written/oral exam/presentation/ project)-20%
4.Final presentation-15%
5.Final paper 15%
教師網頁 http://cyut-cultural-studies.blogspot.com/
教學內容 Please refer to the English version. Syllabus The topics of multiculture education, cultural understanding, cultural values, nonveral communication between cultures,cultural identity,cultual influence in educational and business settings will be discussed by lectures, film viewing and theme-based projects. Several aspects in terms of gender, globalisation and class will be explored.