朝陽科技大學 097學年度第1學期教學大綱
Research Writing and Publishing I 論文寫作與發表(一)

當期課號 7324 Course Number 7324
授課教師 徐碧霙 Instructor HSU,PI YING
中文課名 論文寫作與發表(一) Course Name Research Writing and Publishing I
開課單位 應用外語系碩士班一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 1 Credits 1
課程目標 本課程將嚴格訓練學生之學術論文寫作及發表能力,以協助學生撰寫論文。課程著重於研究之過程,方式及內容。 Objectives This course will train students in the rigors of academic writing and publishing. To prepare students for their own thesis work, attention will be given to the process, form and content of research.
教材 Lester, James D. (2005). Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide. Pearson Longman. Teaching Materials Lester, James D. (2005). Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide. Pearson Longman.
成績評量方式 課堂參與 Participation/Peer-editing Discussion: 15%
Assignments: 30%
Proposal Presentation:15%
Final Proposal: 20%
Conference Paper:20%
Grading Participation/Peer-editing Discussion
課堂參與: 15%
Assignments: 30%
Proposal Presentation:15%
Final Proposal: 20%
Conference Paper:20%
教學內容 熟悉論文寫作的規格與模式
Syllabus This course is for graduate students who want to develop a better understanding of writing research papers and to improve their personal writing skills. It emphasizes content and structure of journal articles. It also addresses issues of style and readability in research writing. Classes involve lectures, discussions, and many in-class exercises.