朝陽科技大學 097學年度第1學期教學大綱
Statistics of Recreation Studies 遊憩統計學

當期課號 7289 Course Number 7289
授課教師 朱瑞淵 Instructor CHU,JUI YUAN
中文課名 遊憩統計學 Course Name Statistics of Recreation Studies
開課單位 建築及都市設計研究所碩士班一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程針對有興趣從事遊憩研究之學生,介紹相關量化研究知識與統計分析能力之養成而設計,主要內容介紹有關遊憩量化研究之應用統計方法、程序。教學目標為:
Objectives This course will introduce quantitative research and statistics analysis in recreation professional. To help graduate students develop ab1lity of research. Upon the end of the class, students are expected to know:
1.how to apply the multivariate statistical techniques to the study and practice of the tourism, recreation, and leisure industry;
2.how to utilize SPSS to conduct multivariate statistical analyses
教材 邱皓政,量化研究法(二) 統計原理與分析技術
Frechtling Douglas C. ,"Forecasting Tourism Demand-method and strategies",Butterworth-Heinemann,2001
Teaching Materials Chiu, H. C. ,“Quantitative Research Methods : Statistical Principles and Analytic Techniques”
Frechtling Douglas C. ,"Forecasting Tourism Demand-method and strategies",Butterworth-Heinemann,2001
成績評量方式 期中考 30%
期末考 30%
平常成績 20%
期末報告 20%
Grading HW 20%, midterm 30%, final 30%, final report 20%
教學內容 講授論文分析之基本統計方法與問卷設計,包括T檢定、相關分析、交叉分析、變異數分析、因素分析與迴歸分析等方法與SPSS操作,讓學生瞭解並具有撰寫論文之統計分析與問卷設計能力。 Syllabus This course will discuss the basic statistics methods and principle of questionnaire design for students used in their thesis. The subjectives will include titest, correlation analysis, crosstabulation alalysis, ANOVA,factor anlays, regression analysis and the operation of SPSS.