朝陽科技大學 097學年度第1學期教學大綱
Disease & Drug Safe Use of the Aged 老人疾病與用藥安全

當期課號 3680 Course Number 3680
授課教師 張宏祺 Instructor Chang,Hung Chi
中文課名 老人疾病與用藥安全 Course Name Disease & Drug Safe Use of the Aged
開課單位 老人服務事業管理系(四進)二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1.認識常見老人疾病及其治療藥品的基本種類及副作用。
Objectives 1. The objective of this course to study the disease of the elderly and side effect of medicines.
2. Study the correct knowledge of using medicine.
3. Understand the basic general knowledge of using medicines, and can apply to daily life actually .
教材 老人護理學-概念與實務/李玲玲等合譯。台北:五南,2002。 Teaching Materials Matteson & Mcconnell's. Gerontological Nursing: Concepts and Practice, 2nd ed (1977). Elsevier science (Singapore) Pte Ltd.
成績評量方式 1.出席 20%
2.期中考 30%
3.期末考 30%
4.隨堂測驗 20%
Grading 1.Participation: 20%
2.Midterm Exam.: 30%
3.Terminal Exam.: 30%
4.In-class Exam.: 20%
教學內容 1.認識常見老人疾病及其治療藥品的基本種類及副作用。
Syllabus 1. The objective of this course to study the disease of the elderly and side effect of medicines.
2. Study the correct knowledge of using medicine.
3. Understand the basic general knowledge of using medicines, and can apply to daily life actually .