朝陽科技大學 097學年度第1學期教學大綱
Practicum in Early Childhood Education and Care (II) 嬰幼兒教保實習(二)

當期課號 3580 Course Number 3580
授課教師 宋明君 Instructor SUNG,MING JIUN
中文課名 嬰幼兒教保實習(二) Course Name Practicum in Early Childhood Education and Care (II)
開課單位 幼兒保育系(四進)四A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程內容包括︰
Objectives The content of the course includes:
1. Combining theories and practice through visits to different early childhood education and care programs.
2. Having a better understanding of future career possibilities through visits to early childhood education and care related industries.
3. Inviting guest speakers to enrich the course content and broaden students’ vision towards early childhood education and care.
教材 幼兒保育系教保集中實習手冊 Teaching Materials handbook of practice education
成績評量方式 1.實習機構之評量成績 (30%)。
Grading 1. Institution evaluation
2. Attitude and participation
3. Assignment
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~mjsung/
教學內容 教保實習I(2學分):參觀四至六所托育機構及相關產業機構,或安排專題講座。 Syllabus vist 4~6 kindergartons