朝陽科技大學 097學年度第1學期教學大綱
Young Children Literature 幼兒文學

當期課號 3561 Course Number 3561
授課教師 張玉雪 Instructor Chang,Yu Hsueh
中文課名 幼兒文學 Course Name Young Children Literature
開課單位 幼兒保育系(四進)一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 幼兒文學乃針對0-8歲兒童的語文閱讀學習,藉幼兒文學的基礎理論與內涵,提供學生瞭解如何選擇好的幼兒文學作品,以引導幼兒進行閱讀,並與課程結合,使文學融入幼兒的生活學習之中。 Objectives The course is aimed for literacy and reading learning for children aged 0-8. Students will learn fundamental theories and content of literature for young children, know how to choose good works, know how to lead reading activities for young children, integrate literature with other curriculum, and combine literature and life experiences of young children.
教材 林文寶(2005)兒童文學 台北:五南圖書公司
林敏宜(2004)圖畫書的欣賞與應用 台北:心理出版
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 (一) 平時成績10%
(二) 繪本創作 30%
Grading 〈一〉General Mark10%
〈二〉Performances and Creations of drama30%
〈三〉Creations of Picture Books30%
〈四〉The analysis and appreciation of picture books, files30%
教學內容 1.幼兒文學之價值、功能
Syllabus 1. Functions and value of children literature
2. Uses of picture books in teaching
3. The analysis of picture books
4. Introductions to the forms of children literature (Nursery rhymes, Children’s poetry, Mythology, Fables, Dramas )