朝陽科技大學 097學年度第1學期教學大綱
Guidance for Young Children with Special Behaviors 幼兒行為輔導

當期課號 3541 Course Number 3541
授課教師 曹俊德 Instructor TSAO,JUN DE
中文課名 幼兒行為輔導 Course Name Guidance for Young Children with Special Behaviors
開課單位 幼兒保育系(二進)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程使學生能夠培養:
Objectives The objectives of the course are:
1. To have ability to observe and understand children’s behavior.
2. To have skills in dealing with behavioral problems of young children.
3. To have ability to care and empathize with behavioral problems of young children.
4. To become considerate, respectful, disciplined, and tolerant early child caregivers or educators.
教材 (一)周天賜,幼兒行為與輔導。台北:心理出版社,民國96年。
(二)林正文,兒童行為觀察與輔導。台北:五南出版社,民國87 年。
(三)蔡美娟譯,如何教養難帶的孩子。台北:遠流出版社,民國82 年。
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 (一)課堂參與(20%)
(三)期末考 (50%)
Grading 1.Participation (20%)
2.Assignments (30%)
3.Final (50%)
教學內容 本課程將探討處理偏差行為的技術,課程內容包含幼兒之攻擊及反社會行為、幼兒之違規行為、幼兒之破壞行為、幼兒之情緒及依賴行為、幼兒之參與社會及學校活動行為、與幼兒之飲食行為等;修習完本課程之後,應能瞭解幼兒問題行為形成之可能原因,觀察與紀錄幼兒之具體問題行為,以及發展適當與積極的輔導方法以逐步解決幼兒的問題行為。 Syllabus The pueposes of the course are to explore issues regarding young children's problem behaviors, and how preschool teachers daeal with young children's problem behaviors appropriately. Students are expected to discuss different types of young children's problem behaviors, observe and record young children's problem behaviors, and develop constructive solutions to facilitate young children.