朝陽科技大學 097學年度第1學期教學大綱
Introduction to Art 藝術概論

當期課號 3428 Course Number 3428
授課教師 陳美合 Instructor CHEN,MEI HO
中文課名 藝術概論 Course Name Introduction to Art
開課單位 人文暨社會學院(四進) Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 藝術概論是一門探討藝術入門的課程,教學之目的在於使學生瞭解藝術理論、藝術分類、藝術範圍、藝術原則以及藝術與人類的關係。 Objectives Introduction to Arts is a basic course for students to understand and appreciate arts. The purpose of the course is to lead students to be familiar with the range of arts, the theories of arts, the types of arts, the principles of arts, and the relationship between arts and life.
教材 藝術概論 蔣勳著 Teaching Materials Intorduction of arts
成績評量方式 平時成績及習作40% 期中考30% 期末考30% Grading Present and exercice 40% Mid exam 30% Final exam 30%
教師網頁 www.cyut.edu.tw/~meiho
教學內容 本課程藉由構成藝術的三角關係及材料、形式、內涵三種基本元素來了解藝術的梗概,舉不同的藝術表現形式來鑑賞,並藉由實際藝術創作的體驗,增進對藝術的了解。如素描練習、手雕塑複製翻模、鑲嵌藝術等等。 Syllabus Study the triangular unity of material, form and style to arrive at an understanding of Art; and through practice of sketching, statue modeling and mosaic art making to gain direct experience of Art creation and appreciation.