朝陽科技大學 097學年度第1學期教學大綱
Digital Drawing Design 數位繪圖設計

當期課號 3416 Course Number 3416
授課教師 黃俊明 Instructor HUANG,CHUN MING
中文課名 數位繪圖設計 Course Name Digital Drawing Design
開課單位 視覺傳達設計系(四進)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 藉由桌上排版相關軟體的操作與訓練,培養學生實際的視覺設計執行能力。熟悉向量繪圖與組頁排版,掌握圖像、文字其輸出應用,同時了解基本之電腦觀念與文書處理。 Objectives The purpose and goal of this course is to enable students to approach to design and drawing with creative expression to build a foundation of the necessary basic design skills. The first half of the course focuses on building digital design skills through drawing, layout, and typographic design. The class is practice-based and brings graphic design to digital desktop. The second half of the course focuses on utilizing these skills while drawing from the imagination.
教材 跟Adobe徹底研究Illustrator CS3 /上奇出版
跟Adobe徹底研究InDesign CS3 /上奇出版
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 平時(60%), 期中(20%), 期末(20%)平時含出席率(20%),作業遲交每一禮拜扣10分, 以此推計. Grading Homework(60%), Midterm(20%),Final(20%).
教學內容 由課堂解說及線上實際電腦操作使學生對向量繪圖、桌上排版、數位繪畫、文書處理有基礎之了解及實際設計執行與創作表現。 Syllabus Students have basic understanding and design ability and creativity for vector illustration,desktop publishing, digital painting, and office processing by operating computer.