朝陽科技大學 097學年度第1學期教學大綱
Lettering & Typography 文字造形

當期課號 3410 Course Number 3410
授課教師 劉棠思 Instructor LIU,TANG SZU
中文課名 文字造形 Course Name Lettering & Typography
開課單位 視覺傳達設計系(四進)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程分為兩部份:
1、漢字體造形:(1)認識中國傳統與現代書法演進;(2)認識傳統之漢字造形設計-民間美術字;(3) 了解漢字結構與各類字體特徵;(4)認識漢字印刷字體之特徵及其設計上應注意之要項;(5)漢 字之創意設計及應用。
2、西洋字體造形:(1)西洋字形概論─了解拉丁字母造形的發展背景、種類及使用觀念;(2)熟悉 印刷字體造形結構格式及印刷字體設計;(3)建立字體排版與編輯的基礎概念;(4)結合字體造 形創意與字義傳達設計。
Objectives (一)1. Understanding the evolution of Chinese traditional and Modern Chinese calligraphy;2. Understanding Chinese folk decorative word; 3. Understanding the character of Chinese word;4. Understanding and designing Chinese typography; 5. Using Chinese typography in creative design。
(二)It’s an instruction of basic construction and historical development of Western alphabet. Students will understand the use of type in printing design through studying and practicing typographic works. Then, they will try calligraphic creating of alphabet, typeface design as well as logotype design. The most important purpose of the course is that they have to enhance their ability of lettering, for preparing the next advanced program - typography and editing design.
教材 自編講義 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.各主題作業及學期報告之成績平均: 60%。
2.學期測驗: 20%
3.上課表現與平時成績(含書法習作): 20%
Grading Subject Homework & reports 60%
Test 20%
Attendance and Participation (include calligraphy homework)20%
(May be adjusted depending on real situations)
教學內容 本課程主要在引導學生對於文字造形漢字部分之了解與設計能力之培養。主要內容為:
Syllabus Purpose:
Train students to realize Chinese typography and develop their design ability.

Major content:
1. Typography of some nations and Chinese calligraphy
2. Modern Chinese calligraphy
3. Chinese folk decorative word
4. Chinese typography
5. Typography and constructive examinations