朝陽科技大學 097學年度第1學期教學大綱
Appreciation and Application of Chinese 中文鑑賞與應用

當期課號 3405 Course Number 3405
授課教師 李麗華 Instructor Li,Lis hua
中文課名 中文鑑賞與應用 Course Name Appreciation and Application of Chinese
開課單位 校訂必修(四進) Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程旨在拓展學生對本國語文鑑賞與應用的深度和廣度,以增進讀寫表達等各項能力。教學上,包括文學領域的探索,兼具文字運用、語文說寫訓練及文化的體察。因此,課程進行除了文學鑑賞力的培養,並力圖與現實生活聯結,探討文學與生活,文學與人生的各層面。藉以訓練學生獨立思考,學習解讀作品,培養邏輯思辨的能力,並啟迪時代思想。 Objectives The purpose of the course is to broaden the scope and depth of students" appreciation for Chinese literature. In the mean time, it will enhance students" abilities in reading and writing. In classes, we will explore many domains of Chinese literature to study the use of words, expression, and culture. Therefore, students will not only improve their ability to appreciate literature but also enhance the ability in independent and logical thinking.
教材 梅家玲、郝譽翔主編:《台灣現代文學教程:小說讀本(上、下)》,台北:二魚文化事業有限公司,2002。
Teaching Materials Textbooks:
Mei Jialing & Hao Yuxiang eds. Teaching Taiwan’s Modern Literature: Fiction ( I, II ). Taipei: Eryu Culture Company, 2002.
Qiu Guifen ed. Selected Reading of Novels by Taiwan’s Women Writers under the
Japanese Occupation. ( I, II ). Taipei: Women Writing Culture Company Ltd.
Xu Junya et el eds. Modern Short Stories Reader. Taipei: Yangzhi Cultural Affair
Company, 2004.
Zheng Mingli ed. Criticism on the Contemporary Literature: Fiction. Taipei:
Zhengzhong Bookstore, 1998.
Tang Juan & Chen Dawei eds. Teaching Taiwan’s Modern Literature: Contemporary
Literature Reader. Taipei: Eryu Culture Company , 2002.
Forster. Aspects of Fiction. Trans. Li Wenbin. Taipei: Zhiwen Publishing Company.
成績評量方式 1.期末考35%
Grading Grades:
1. Final 35%.
2. In-class Report 35%: Each group must prepare a written outline (at least 1 page) of its presentation and make copies for the whole class to read. Report should be conducted in a 30 minutes range. A week later, the group should complete a verbal report of no less than 2000 words, covering their oral report plus class inputs and turn it in to the instructor in both hard copy and an electronic copy through e-mail on the next Monday after the week.
3. Class Performance30%: Attendance, active participation and homework
教學內容 本課程以小說此一文類為主,引導學生奠定對小說文類的審美基礎與分析能力;進而以台灣文學與社會文化的更迭為輔,建立社會關懷與文化批評的基本視野,進一步思考臺灣現代小說史的發展變化。課程內容先由張愛玲、賴和、楊逵與龍瑛宗的小說作品為導讀的開端,分析中國小說與台灣小說的關聯與差異;繼而以台灣各時期的文學特質以為分析評量,包括五O年代反共文學、六O現代文學、七O年代鄉土文學、八O年代多元化文學,及至世紀末的後現代與後殖民文學,各階段各舉一至二篇小說文本為例證,探析小說的美學表現與主題意義,分析各階段文學走向與小說作品的相輔相成或各異其趣之處,進一步歸結出台灣小說創作的承繼、演變及意義。 Syllabus Course Description:
This course studies literature by focusing on the genre of fiction in relation to Taiwan’s literary and socio-cultural transformations. It intends to enhance students’ literary sensibility and analytical ability, as well as to lead students to explore fiction’s relation with social and literary developments. The ultimate goal aims to broaden students’ vision of humanity and to develop their ability in textual interpretation.

Course Value and its relevance to the Department’s basic/core training:
Levels Of Capability: (1) knowledge (2)comprehension (3)application (4)analysis(5)synthesis(6)evaluation
1. Promotion of students’ reading ability: This course proceeds in a friendly, lively and easy-going atmosphere, in a mostly interactive mode. The instructor lectures; students are divided into small groups to discuss assigned topic and share ideas and feelings. There also will be special topic lectures.
2. By focusing on fiction, students are expected to know well the literary themes and ways of representations. Students should exchange ideas after class and in class they should present on the assigned topics and take minutes of the group’s report.