朝陽科技大學 097學年度第1學期教學大綱
Portfolio 作品集設計

當期課號 3371 Course Number 3371
授課教師 路威 Instructor  
中文課名 作品集設計 Course Name Portfolio
開課單位 工業設計系(四進)五A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1. 理解作品集所代表之意義 2. 理解格式以及版面的關係 Objectives Including: 1. To Discuss the meaning of portfolio. 2. Grid and Layout.
教材 after the seminar to discuss what kind or portfolio you would like to make (see below under syllabus) we will decide which materials to use. YOU MUST ALWAYS BRING 1) your A3 sketch book and drawing tools 2) a Chinese-English dictionary, either book or electronic.在學期初期會先討論各種不同作品集的形式之關係與差異 同學會以不同型態分組進行 期末有研討會 每次上課同學必備品為 A3 繪圖筆記本及中英文字典 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 同學會以分組方式上課 無故遲到或缺席會影響總成績
總成績評量標準為 遲到或出缺席率10% 期中考30% 期末考30% 上課表現及互動30%
Grading the class is divided into groups which have to keep a record of attendence. grades will be given for 1) attendence, conduct and coming on time: 10%. if you miss class without a good reason, you will fail. 2) for your mid-term result: 30%. 3) for your final result from the panel: 30%. 4) from the class and teacher: 30%.
教師網頁 www.scandinavian-designers.com
教學內容 作品集的目的最主要的目的之一在於讓客戶或公司高階主管對你能力之肯定 作品集的呈現方式可為光碟片書籍形式在電腦中或網路上 學期初期會先討論各種不同作品集的形式之關係與差異 而後針對幾點作探討 (1)了解客戶或公司高階主管的需求(2)了解並發展溝通概念(3)發展版面圖文的編排與風格(4)如何整理資料作品並以最佳形式表現出(5)如何做個人簡報(6)以設計客戶或公司老闆的觀點再次審是自我的作品集(7)同學間以設計師生涯方式來舉行期末研討會並相互評量 Syllabus The purpose of a portfolio is to impress either a client or an employer. Your portfolio can be either a book, on a computer or the internet. we will begin term with a seminar to discuss what kind or portfolio you would like to make: book, computer presentation or www. We will work 1) to understand what clients and employers are looking for; 2) to develop a communication concept; 3) to develop a graphic principle and a layout concept; 4) to edit and organise your material in the best way; 5) to make your presentation; 6) to check your portfolio by making a public presentation to a panel of designer studio owner and design clients; 7) the class will also evaluate your portfolio at an end-of-term seminar about the life of a designer.