朝陽科技大學 097學年度第1學期教學大綱
Etiquette on Service industry and Morality of Work 服務禮儀與職業倫理

當期課號 3227 Course Number 3227
授課教師 左如芝 Instructor TSO,JU CHIH
中文課名 服務禮儀與職業倫理 Course Name Etiquette on Service industry and Morality of Work
開課單位 休閒事業管理系(二進)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 課程內容將介紹生活禮儀、工作禮儀到國際禮儀應用的認識與態度,培養學生對個人、職場到國際間禮儀的正確認知,並藉由實際的練習,增強學生的應用技巧。 Objectives This course is designed to introduce students the proper attitude and knowledge of life, working and international etiquette. The aim is to assist students cultivating correct senses on personal, occupational and international etiquette, and to enhance their practical skills by keeping practicing in the class.
教材 1.自編講義
3.新eQ 成功,從禮{etiquette}開始
5.SQ:I-You 共融的社會智能,丹尼爾高曼,時報出版
Teaching Materials 1.Materials prepared by self
2.Etiquette Practice
3.New eQ, Sucess, starting from {etiquette}
4.The knowledge in world map
成績評量方式 1.平時考核(出席率、隨堂作業、課堂活動參與)30%
2.期中考試 30%
Grading 1.On-site evaluations (including attendance, assignment, joining with the class) 30%
2.Mid-term test 30%
2.Teamwork report 20%
3.Final individual report 20%
教學內容 1.了解職業倫理並熟悉服務禮儀之技巧以助生活及工作之適切表現。
Syllabus 1.Understanding the occupation ethics and being familiar with etiquettes for the proper performances on life and work.
2. Through learning activity to acquire the interactive factors of the service etiquette and occupation ethics.
3. By teamwork's role play , students can experience the real situation and adjust themselves's understanding and performances.