朝陽科技大學 097學年度第1學期教學大綱
Industrial Economics 產業經濟學

當期課號 3210 Course Number 3210
授課教師 李家豪 Instructor LEE,CHIA HAO
中文課名 產業經濟學 Course Name Industrial Economics
開課單位 會計系(四進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 產業經濟學是個體經濟學的一環,是專門討論經濟體系內各種產業的組織或結構,分析廠商的行為,及足以影響廠商行為與整體經濟績效的政府政策、法令等。由於它的討論重心在於產業結構與廠商行為,因此它又稱為產業結構或產業組織。產業經濟學較專注於廠商的行為,政府的政策及各種不同產業結構的分析,因此較為精細而複雜。它同時運用統計計量方法,去分析資料,是屬於一門較為專門而實用的科學。 Objectives Industrial economics is best defined as the application of microeconomic theory to the analysis of firms, markets and industries. Stigler(1968) argues that industrial economics does not really exist as a separate discipline, that it its simply differentiated microeconomics. This misses the point. The distinction arises from the overriding emphasis, in industrial economics, on empirical work and on implications for policy. Although the main focus has been on the secondary (or industrial) sector of the economy, there is no reason why study of the primary or tertiary sectors of the economy should not also be included.
教材 產業經濟學,第二版,陳正倉、林惠玲、陳忠榮、莊春發等箸,雙葉書廊有限公司。 Teaching Materials Industrial Economics, 2nd edition.
成績評量方式 期中考試 30% 期末考試 40% 期末報告及平時成績30% Grading participation 30% med-term exam. 10% final-term exam. 10%
教學內容 本課教學內容係希望採深入淺出方式,引導同學產業經濟學,同時搭配理論教學中之實務個案研究,並藉由問題研討來學以致用,以期能達理論與實務結合之教學目標。 Syllabus The object of this lecture is to learn the framework of Industrial economics, including primary academic theory and empirical analysis. Through actual case study, we hope that students could apply the text material to actual situation.