朝陽科技大學 097學年度第1學期教學大綱
Statistics 統計學

當期課號 3119 Course Number 3119
授課教師 楊文華 Instructor YANG,WEN HUA
中文課名 統計學 Course Name Statistics
開課單位 企業管理系(四進)二A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程旨在使學生熟悉統計基本概念、原理及技巧,使其能對相關資料作組織、彙整、衡量並根據資料所得的結果加以評估及推論以幫助吾人作決策,一學年課程包括1. 統計學的意義與應用 2. 資料的類型 3. 機率的基本概念 4. 敘述統計的種類、計算與應用5.常用的機率分配模型 6. 抽樣分配與其應用 7. 估計的觀念與介紹 8. 假設檢定的介紹與其應用9.卡方檢定 10. 變異數分析 11.相關與簡單線性迴歸分析。 Objectives The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with the statistical concepts,fundamentals and techniques needed to organize,measure and evaluate data that may then be used to support people to make better decisions in the face of uncertainty.Topics include:1. The meaning and application of statistics 2. Type of data 3. Basic principle of probability 4. Introduction of descriptive statistics and its applications5.Discrete and continuous probability 6. Sampling distribution and its application 7. Introduction and concept of estimation 8. Hypothesis testing 9.Chi-square testing 10.Analysis of variance 11.Correlation and simple linear regression analysis
教材 統計學(智高書局)(陳建勝、呂兆文、陳美菁、朱瑞淵、呂明哲等著) Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1. 課堂參與度(20%):依上課出席狀況及參與課堂討論情形評分。
2. 期中考 (40%)
3. 期末考(40%)
Grading 1. Class participation (20%)
2. Midterm examination (40%)
3. Final examination (40%)
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~whyang
教學內容 統計學是研究如何運用資料蒐集、整理、敘述、分析與推論等科學方法。在不確定情況下,由部分推論全體,由已知推測未知,以做出一般性的結論或最佳決策的科學。所以統計學是研究各種科學、行政管理及企業經營等必備的知識與從事分析推論的專門學術。 Syllabus Statistics is a scientific methodology which studies how to collect, manage, summarize, analyze and infer data. In an uncertain circumstance, it is the focus how to utilize the sample to infer the population and how to predict the unknown part based on the known part in order to make a better decision. In consequence, Statistics is essential for any fields, including administration management, business management and science.