朝陽科技大學 097學年度第1學期教學大綱
Data Structure 資料結構

當期課號 2709 Course Number 2709
授課教師 洪若偉 Instructor HUNG,RUO WEI
中文課名 資料結構 Course Name Data Structure
開課單位 資訊工程系(四日)二C Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程主要講述有關資料的處理及儲存方式。學生在本課程中,將可學到以下幾個主題:1.陣列 2. 堆疊 3. 串列 4. 樹 5. 圖形理論 6. 排序。學生學完本課程後可利用本課程內的知識對資料進行更有效率的處理。 Objectives "The goal of this course is to provide the students how to store data with how to process data. The covered issues in this course includes 1. array 2. stack 3. link list 4. tree 5. graph theory 6. sorting. After this course, the students can process the data more efficient. "
教材 教科書(Textbook):
(1) Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, and Dinesh P. Mehta, “Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++”, 2nd Ed., Silicon Press, 2007. (開發圖書代理)

參考書目(Reference Books):
(1) Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, and Susan Anderson-Freed, “Fundamentals of Data Structures in C”, 2nd Ed., Silicon Press, 2008. (開發圖書代理)
(3)林貞嫻,“資料結構-使用C語言 ”,碁峰出版社.
(4)Dev C++: http://www.bloodshed.net/
Teaching Materials Textbook:
(1)Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, and Dinesh P. Mehta, “Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++”, 2nd Ed., Silicon Press, 2007. (開發圖書代理)
(2) Slides

Reference Books:
(1)Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, and Susan Anderson-Freed, “Fundamentals of Data Structures in C”, 2nd Ed., Silicon Press, 2008. (開發圖書代理)
(3)林貞嫻,“資料結構-使用C語言 ”,碁峰出版社.
(4)Dev C++: http://www.bloodshed.net/
成績評量方式 1. 隨堂考n次: 20%
2. 4次期中考(Midterm Exams): 90%
3. 課程參與(Participation): 5%

(1)曠課超過三次(含), 不加分
(2)上課行為不檢者, 不加分
Grading 1. Course exams: 20%
2. Midterm exams (four times): 90%
3. Course participation: 5%
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~rwhung
教學內容 本課程的目標是讓學生瞭解資料結構與演算法的重要概念,包括:結構化程式設計、演算法分析、陣列、堆疊、佇列、鏈結串列、樹結構、圖形、搜尋、排序、雜湊等。更甚者,我們將著重在學生的邏輯能力之培養。 Syllabus This goal of this course is to introduce the students to the most important topics of Data Structure and Algorithm, such as Structural programming design, Algorithm analysis, Array, Stack, Queue, Linked list, Trees, Graphs, Searching, Sorting, and Hashing etc. Moreover, we concentrate on the teaching of logic.