朝陽科技大學 097學年度第1學期教學大綱
Environmental Chemistry 環境化學

當期課號 1857 Course Number 1857
授課教師 程淑芬 Instructor CHENG,SHU FEN
中文課名 環境化學 Course Name Environmental Chemistry
開課單位 環境工程與管理系(四日)一B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程主要包括三部分:1. 水化學2.大氣化學3. 土壤化學。水化學介紹酸鹼平衡、複合化學、氧化還原反應、溶解化學、膠體化學、水體生物化學、水污染及水處理。大氣化學之內容包含大氣及大氣化學、大氣中的微粒、氣相無機污染物、有機空氣污染物、光化學煙霧及全球大氣污染問題。土壤化學介紹土壤特性及土壤污染問題。 Objectives This course comprises three major parts: 1. Water chemistry. 2. Atmospheric chemistry. 3. Soil chemistry.Water chemistry introduces acid-base equilibrium, complex chemistry, oxidation-reduction reaction, solubility chemistry, colloid chemistry, biochemistry in water, water pollution and water treatment.Atmospheric chemistry includes particles in the atmosphere, gaseous inorganic air pollutants, organic air pollutants, photochemical smog and the endangered global atmosphere.In soil chemistry, the soil characteristics and soil pollution problems would be included.
教材 Malone, Basic concepts of chemistry, 7th edition, Wiley. Teaching Materials Malone, Basic concepts of chemistry, 7th edition, Wiley
成績評量方式 期中考20%;期末考30%,平常成績50% Grading Test 50%; midterm 20%; final-exam. 30%
教學內容 本課程主要介紹環境上相關之化學基本原理 Syllabus This course will introduce the basic principles of environmental chemistry.