朝陽科技大學 096學年度第2學期教學大綱
Competition Strategy of Information Technology 資訊科技競爭策略

當期課號 7782 Course Number 7782
授課教師 嚴國慶 Instructor YAN,KUO QIN
中文課名 資訊科技競爭策略 Course Name Competition Strategy of Information Technology
開課單位 企業管理系碩士班一B Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程之目的在於訓練學生能夠策略性地運用資訊科技,包含策略性資訊系統之規劃、分析、及導入,課程中亦包含實務的資訊科技策略幸應用之個案介紹以及電子化企業及電子商務等新興議題。 Objectives The overall course objective is intended to train students to make the most effective competitive use of information technology. Also this course will help students develop concepts and frameworks for analyzing the planning, introducing, and implementation of information systems in businesses. To uncover general principles that can guide the strategic use of information technology, numerous case studies and industry analyses will be used. To cope with the trend of new information technology, electronic business and electronic commerce will be introduced.
教材 資訊科技競爭優勢
作者:James L. McKenny/著
Teaching Materials "Waves of Change" By:James L. McKenny/
成績評量方式 課堂參與 50%
課堂報告 25%
心得報告 25%
Grading Class Participation: 50%
Presentation: 25%
Attainment Report: 25%
教師網頁 www.cyut.edu.tw/~kqyan
教學內容 資訊科技對於任何一個企業而言都是不斷地在迫使其改變、創造機會與挑戰的力量。如果一個領導者不懂得最基本的資訊科技,對於企業而言都會是一項重大的劣勢。本課程提供資訊科技廣泛的觀念與最近與未來發展趨勢,如何運用資訊科技系統的原則。我們將用個案討論的方式,研究討論的範圍將以觀察組織應用資訊科技的經驗,為組織採行資訊科技以取得市場先機做最好的指引。
Syllabus In virtually every industry and every firm, information technology is driving change, creating opportunities and challenges. Leaders who don't understand at least the fundamentals of information systems will be at a strategic disadvantage. This course provides broad coverage of technology concepts and trends underlying current and future developments in information technology, and fundamental principles for the effective use of computer-based information systems. The cases studied in the course will include Bank of American, American Airliner, and American Vehicle Insurrance.