朝陽科技大學 096學年度第2學期教學大綱
Special Topics of Insurance 保險學專題

當期課號 7604 Course Number 7604
授課教師 蘇文斌 Instructor SU,WEN PIN
中文課名 保險學專題 Course Name Special Topics of Insurance
開課單位 保險金融管理系碩士在職專班一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 近年來保險事業發展迅速,保險學術水準亦日提昇。因此本課程講授內容以理論與實務並重。並分別就保險全面作總合與各論之研究。除廣泛取材於國內外有關保險學術之著作外,更引用我國現行有關保險法令加以驗證。期使學生能獲得實用之知識。 Objectives As the insurance business of recent years is rapidly developed, the level of academic research on insurance is also upgraded. In our teaching program, our teaching courses emphasize simultaneously both theory and practices. Besides, our study on this fiel
教材 自編講義 Teaching Materials From edits the printed lecture
成績評量方式 1.期中考:30﹪ 2.期末考:40﹪ 3.平常討論:30﹪ Grading 1.Midterm:30﹪ 2.Final report:40﹪ 3.Discuss:30﹪
教學內容 第1-3週 1.概論2.保險之要素3.保險契約
第4-6週 1.保險契約2.保險經營
第7-9週 1.保險經營2.期中考
第10-12週 1.財產保險
第13-15週 1.財產保險2.人身保險
第16-18週 1.人身保險2.期末考
Syllabus Weeks1-3 1.Concept of Insurance 2.Factor of Insurance 3.Contract of Insurance
Weeks4-6 1.Contract of Insurance 2.Operate of Insurance
Weeks7-9 1.Operate of Insurance2.Middle term Examination
Weeks10-12 1.Property Insurance
Weeks13-15 1.Property Insurance 2.Personal Insurance
Weeks16-18 1.Personal Insurance 2.Final term Examination