朝陽科技大學 096學年度第2學期教學大綱
Special Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry 雜環化學特論

當期課號 7187 Course Number 7187
授課教師 楊德芳 Instructor YANG,TE FANG
中文課名 雜環化學特論 Course Name Special Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry
開課單位 應用化學系碩士班一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程的目標是讓學生對雜環化合物的結構,反應及合成有進一步的認識。內容包含五元環、六元環及四元環等含有氧、氮、硫原子化合物的介紹及討論。 Objectives Various heterocyclic systems, including six-membered or five-membered ring compounds with one, two or more heteroatoms, will be discussed. Three-, four- and seven-membered ring compounds will be introduced. The contents of lectures include preparation and properties of heterocyclic compounds. Especially, the general features of those properties will be identified and emphasized.
教材 "Heterocyclic Chemistry"
by Gilchrist, 3rd. edition
Teaching Materials "Heterocyclic Chemistry"
by Gilchrist, 3rd. edition
成績評量方式 共有四次考試
每次考試佔 25 %
Grading Four exams;
25 % for each exam
教學內容 1) 環狀化合物的合成原理, (2) 六元環含單一雜原子環狀化合物的合成, (3) 五元環含單一雜原子環狀化合物的合成, (4) 六元環含雙雜原子環狀化合物的合成, (5) 五元環含雙雜原子環狀化合物的合成, (6) 各種含多重雜原子環狀化合物的合成 Syllabus (1) Ring synthesis, (2) Six-membered ring compounds with one heteroatom, (3) Five-membered ring compounds with one heteroatom, (4) Six-membered ring compounds with two or more heteroatom, (5) Five-membered ring compounds with two or more heteroatom , (6) Three and four-membered ring compounds,