朝陽科技大學 096學年度第2學期教學大綱
Appreciation and Application of Chinese 中文鑑賞與應用

當期課號 3081 Course Number 3081
授課教師 傅素春 Instructor ,
中文課名 中文鑑賞與應用 Course Name Appreciation and Application of Chinese
開課單位 校訂必修(四在) Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程旨在拓展學生對本國語文鑑賞與應用的深度和廣度,以增進讀寫表達等各項能力。教學上,包括文學領域的探索,兼具文字運用、語文說寫訓練及文化的體察。因此,課程進行除了文學鑑賞力的培養,並力圖與現實生活聯結,探討文學與生活,文學與人生的各層面。藉以訓練學生獨立思考,學習解讀作品,培養邏輯思辨的能力,並啟迪時代思想。 Objectives The purpose of the course is to broaden the scope and depth of students" appreciation for Chinese literature. In the mean time, it will enhance students" abilities in reading and writing. In classes, we will explore many domains of Chinese literature to study the use of words, expression, and culture. Therefore, students will not only improve their ability to appreciate literature but also enhance the ability in independent and logical thinking.
教材 教材由教師自行編選之《文學作品選讀》,並配合相關影帶或投影片進行。 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 (一) 期中考──35% (二) 期末考──25% (三) 平常成績──40%。 Grading (一) Midterm exam.──35% (二) Final exam──25% (三) Ordinary exam──40%
教學內容 本課程選讀許多與現實生活息息相關的文章,諸如: 人們對於烏托邦世界的想像(陶潛〈桃花源記〉)、夢與生活的關係(枕中記)、祈求長久團圓的美好願望(蘇東坡的〈水調歌頭〉)、對於小人物的關懷與悲憫之情(黃春明:〈兒子的大玩偶〉)…等等,並配合相關的參考資料,範圍擴及詩.詞.小說與散文,惟期透過文章的選讀與探討,發現文學之美,同時也充實心靈的深度。 Syllabus The course choices some famous article which subject is close to the life. Such as:The imagination of the ideal place --Tou Chen〈Tou-Hua-Yuan-i〉、the relation of the dream and lifeW、ish people live and reunion permanently -- Su Don-Po〈Shui-Tiau-Ge-To〉、A song of lament from the nobody: Huang Chun-Ming〈Sun’s Big Doll〉…etc. The rang includes poetry、ci、fiction and prose. We expect to reach those targets: