朝陽科技大學 096學年度第2學期教學大綱
Social Work Management 社會工作管理

當期課號 2186 Course Number 2186
授課教師 童伊迪 Instructor TUNG,YI TI
中文課名 社會工作管理 Course Name Social Work Management
開課單位 社會工作系(四日)三B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程旨在介紹社會工作管理基本概念、理論與發展趨勢,藉由教導與討論,學生將建立社會工作管理全貌,並發展應用相關技巧於實務領域的能力。 Objectives The contents of this course include the basic concepts of social work management, management theories, and the development of social work management. Via instruction and discussion, students will build up the whole picture about social work management and develop their abilities to applicate the related skills in social work practice.
教材 Cole, G.A. (1998) Organisational Behaviour, London: Letts Educational.
Dunford, R.W. (1992) Organisational Behaviour: an Organisational analysis perspective, Australia: Addison-Wesley Publishing.
* Robbins, S.P. (2003) Essentials of Organisational Behaviour (7th ed.), New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
彭文賢 (1995)。組織原理。台北:三民書局。
張善智、謝馥蔓 (2001)組織行為,台北:學富文化事業有限公司。
余佩珊(譯)(Peter F. Drucker 著)(1994)。非營利機構的經營之道 (Managing the Non-Profit Organization: Principles and Practices)。台北:遠流出版社。
天下雜誌 每月1, 15日 出刊。
管理雜誌 每月出刊。
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 書面作業、口頭報告:佔20%
Grading written work: Accounts for 25%,
the oral report that, Occupies 15%
midterm exam 30%
final exam 30%
教學內容 一、 教學目的
1. 協助學生對 "人" 在工作環境或職場中行為模式的認識,透過對管理相關概念理論的介紹,使了解人與人、人與組織之間的互動,熟悉人際技巧,掌握組織行為管理。
2. 藉由分析個人、群體、及組織等不同層次間的行為及互動來增進其對組織行為的了解,以使將來能應用組織行為基本知識,促進組織的效能,並達成人性化管理的境界。
3. 透過案例的分析、比較、思辨、與討論過程中,培養學生在接觸不同的組織時分析問題與因應之能力。
4. 期待學生以開放的心胸和愉快的心情來學習,記得生命誠可貴,知識價更高。
Syllabus First, teaching goal
1. assists the student to "person" in the working conditions or the duty field the behavior pattern understanding, penetrates to manages the correlation concept theory the introduction, makes to understand between the person and the person, the person and organization's interaction, the familiar interpersonal skill, grasps the organization behavior management.
2. affiliations by analyze individual, the community, and the organization and so on during the different level behavior and interact to promote it to the organization behavior understanding, will enable the future to apply the organization behavior elementary knowledge, will promote organization's potency, and will achieve the human nature management the boundary.
3. penetration cases analysis, the comparison, the speculation, with the discussion process in, trains the student when the contact different organization analyzes the question and in accordance to it ability.
4. anticipated the student opens the heart and the happy mood study, remembered life honest valuable, the knowledge price is higher.