朝陽科技大學 096學年度第2學期教學大綱
English Writing IV 英文寫作(四)

當期課號 2025 Course Number 2025
授課教師 董中泰 Instructor  
中文課名 英文寫作(四) Course Name English Writing IV
開課單位 應用外語系(四日)二B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 以正確方式作文,學習寫作正確的句子、邏輯思考、感情與句型及句型變化之配合、學習句子之後, 學習段落結構。最後學習作文步驟。 Objectives Correctly writing a good composition is the goal. First of all, the students are required to write correct sentences. Then they should know how to write various sentence types to convey their logical thoughts and feelings. After sentences, they are required to write excellent paragraphs. Finally, they learn the steps to write an excellent composition.
教材 Book: Focus On Writing
出版社:Learners Publishing(怡學)
Teaching Materials Book: Focus On Writing
Publisher:Learners Publishing(怡學)
Book One
Levels:Intermediate for college students
成績評量方式 Assessment:
1.The writing assignment per time takes 30 % of student’s overall score for the semester
2.The mid-term takes 30 % ( Write about a topic from one of the topics instructed in class)
3.The Final exam takes 30% ( Write about a topic from one of the topics taught in class)
4.The participation in the class meeting takes 10 %
Grading Assessment:
1.The writing assignment per time takes 30 % of student’s overall score for the semester
2.The mid-term takes 30 % ( Write about a topic from one of topics taught in class)
3.The Final exam takes 30% ( Write about a topic from one of the topics instructed in class)
4.The participation in the class meeting takes 10 %
教學內容 Week One: Chapter Introduction-單元首頁清楚地說明本單元的主題和教學目標。
Week Two: Writing practice and peer checking
Week Three: Getting Started-閱讀前的討論活動,幫助學生思考和訓練表達個人意見的能力。
Week Four: Writing practice and peer checking
Week Five: Reading-短文閱讀,一來可培養學生的閱讀能力,二來藉由閱讀 增強寫作概念,提供學生寫作的參考文章,幫助學生寫作時能更加文思泉湧。
Week Six: Writing practice and peer checking
Week Seven: Preparing to Write-告知寫作步驟,讓使用者對寫作架構有更明確的認知。
Week Eight: Writing-詳細說明文章寫作理念,依照該單元的學習重點,訓練學生寫出完整的文章,並搭配各式練習以循序漸進的方式引導學生,慢慢地奠定英語寫作的基石。
Week Nine: Writing practice and peer checking
Week Ten: Using Language Effectively-幫助學生再次複習文法概念,掌握學生的學習成效。
Syllabus Week Two: Writing practice and peer checking
Week Three: Getting Started
Week Four: Writing practice and peer checking
Week Five: Reading
Week Six: Writing practice and peer checking
Week Seven: Preparing to Write
Week Eight: Writing
Week Thirteen: Writing practice and peer checking
Week Fourteen: Internet
Week Eleven: Writing practice and peer checking
Week Twelve: Internet
Week Nine: Writing practice and peer checking
Week Ten: Using Language Effectively