朝陽科技大學 096學年度第2學期教學大綱
Family Inn Management 民宿管理

當期課號 1400 Course Number 1400
授課教師 陳智峰 Instructor Chen,Chin Feng
中文課名 民宿管理 Course Name Family Inn Management
開課單位 休閒事業管理系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 介紹先進國家及台灣民宿的起源與發展。經由民宿的特性及經營哲學的探討,並輔以實例介紹民宿的經營管理及與鄉村社區的結合,成為另一種休閒生活型態。 Objectives To introduce the original and development of Family Inn in developed countries and Taiwan. This course is expecting the participants to experice the Family Inn management by case study. To connect the Family Inn and rural community to be a new life style is the other important topic in this course.
教材 自編教材 Teaching Materials Edit their own teaching materials
成績評量方式 出席30%
Grading Attend30%
final 40%
教學內容 1. 本課程之特色將結合民宿實際經營的業者,提供給與學的學生了解實務的經營現況。
 2. 課程內容主要強調經營、個人生活、休閒文化、創新思維等四大面向。
 3. 探究民宿產業之實際需求,並了解民宿產業的週邊經營概況。
 4. 強調經營管理的行銷課程,易於針對民宿市場問題現況了解行銷系統運作
Syllabus 1.This course will combine the characteristics of the actual operating and breakfast industry, providing the school to give students practical understanding of the operation of the situation.
2.Main stressed that the course content business, personal life, and leisure culture, such as the four major innovation-oriented
3.Exploration of the actual demand breakfast industry, and understand the surrounding business breakfast industry overview.
4.Stress management marketing course, easy for the status breakfast market issues into marketing system works