朝陽科技大學 096學年度第2學期教學大綱
Employment Competence 就業力

當期課號 0282 Course Number 0282
授課教師 耿慧玲 Instructor KENG,HUI LING
中文課名 就業力 Course Name Employment Competence
開課單位 校訂選修(日間部) Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 結合學校現有資源,輔導學生進行相關參訪及資料之蒐整,協助學生進行團隊的合作、經營,盡量以「做中學」「思中做」的方式進行課程之講授。期待學生能夠達到自我學習,自我管理,自信展現的能力,以符合現代社會的就業條件。 Objectives Integrate available institutional resources to supervise students on conducting relevant visitations and data collection; assist students to engage in team-based cooperation and management activities; present lectures based on concepts that emphasize learning-in-working and thinking-in-experiencing processes. Students are expected to achieve self-directed learning and self-directed management, show confidence as well as competence, to conform to contemporary employment requisites.
教材 自編 Teaching Materials Course Pack
成績評量方式 學生參與教學活動的積極性及出席率30%
Grading Attendence and Participation 30%
Mid-term Report 30%
Final Report or Exam 40%
教學內容 本課程主要是從溝通技能、團隊合作技能、問題解決技能、原創與進取技能、規劃與組織技能、自我管理技能、學習技能、科技技能等八個範疇進行規劃,希望透過課程可以讓學生能夠瞭解環境、瞭解自己、管理自己、充實自己、表達自己 Syllabus This course emphasizes on communication skills, teamwork collaboration skills, problem solving skills, also skills that require creativity and aggressiveness, organization and planning, self management, learning ability, and technological capability. Students are expected to read the environment, understand themselves, manage themselves, fulfill themselves, and express themselves.