朝陽科技大學 096學年度第2學期教學大綱
Self-Exploration and Growth 自我探索與成長

當期課號 0136 Course Number 0136
授課教師 陳薏如 Instructor CHEN,I JU
中文課名 自我探索與成長 Course Name Self-Exploration and Growth
開課單位 生活智能課群(日) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Life, Society ,and Science
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1.瞭解個人不同面貌。 2.探索個人成長史。 3.探索個人與家庭的關係。 4.探索個人的人際、兩性、情緒、生命等議題。 Objectives 1.To understand style of human being. 2.To explore history of personnal. 3.To explore family relationship . 4.To explore the personal issue about interpersonal relationship、gender、emotion and life etc.
教材 講義、影片、心理測驗、相片、圖畫、音樂 Teaching Materials Power point, movies, picutures and music
成績評量方式 1.課堂出席及參與率 30%
Grading 1. Class Participation 30%
2. Mid-term Report 30%
3. Final Report 40%
教學內容 這個課程支持一般實際的服務概念和應用學術知識在這一方面的經驗。學生本課程中了解自己的本質和評估對成長的資源和機會狀態。 Syllabus This course supports and encourages maximum application of academic knowledge and concepts of generalist practice in the provision of helping services during the field experience. Students will be provided with resources and opportunities for growth in self awareness and self evaluation in service delivery.