朝陽科技大學 096學年度第2學期教學大綱
Marriage and the Family 婚姻與家庭

當期課號 0122 Course Number 0122
授課教師 曾素秋 Instructor TSENG,SU CHIU
中文課名 婚姻與家庭 Course Name Marriage and the Family
開課單位 心理與自我成長課群(日) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Psychology and Self Growth
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 體驗與了解家庭對個人的發展所產生的影響,並試著整理個人的家庭經驗,建構未來的家庭藍圖.做為未來經營家庭與婚姻的基礎. Objectives The students are supprose to understand the influence of family experience on their growth, therefore, they can make a blueprint for their own family.
教材 自編講義及蒐集之影片。 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 平時成績:30﹪(課程參與度、出缺席狀況
Grading Participation(30%),feedback sheet(20%), family drama(20%) ,terminal exam (30%)
教學內容 於課程分週中探討下列主題:兩性關係與性別差異、男女交往與擇偶、結婚與單身、美滿的婚姻、外遇、家庭暴力、試婚、同居、離婚與再婚、單親與繼親家庭、未來之家庭藍圖、家庭經濟預算、為人父母與親職工作等。 Syllabus To help students understand what they think about families and the meanings of marriage and families. Through the courses, students can realize the function of families and how to solute the family problems. therefore, they can make a blueprint for their own family. To discuss all kinds of issues about families, including gender relations, marriage, divorce, family violence….and so on.