朝陽科技大學 096學年度第1學期教學大綱
Professional Ethics in Child Care 幼教人員專業倫理

當期課號 8014 Course Number 8014
授課教師 張玉雪 Instructor Chang,Yu Hsueh
中文課名 幼教人員專業倫理 Course Name Professional Ethics in Child Care
開課單位 師資培育中心(幼教學程)二B Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程目標在使學生了解幼教專業人員所需具備的工作倫理與態度,涵蓋的面向包括(一)幼稚園教師與幼兒、(二)幼稚園教師與家長、(三)幼稚園教師同儕之間及(四)幼稚園教師之社會責任;本課程目的在培養學生在未來工作職場所需正確的工作態度與工作倫理。 Objectives The purpose of this course is to make students understand the professional ethics and attitudes of kindergarten teacher, which include the ethics to children, parents, colleague and society. This course will help students establish their correct professional ethics and attitudes in workplace.
教材 一、與幼教大師對談〈廖鳳瑞譯,信誼基金出版社〉
Teaching Materials Fong Ruei ,Lai(Interpreter) Talk with Preschool Education Master
Sin Yi Press
成績評量方式 一、課堂參與20﹪ 學習檔案30﹪
小組資料文獻收集與報告20﹪ 期末考30﹪
Grading 1. Participation(10%)
2. Personal work(30%)
3. Ggroup work(30%)
(4.)Final Exam30%
教師網頁 www.cyut.edu.tw/~yklin/
教學內容 本課程將探討幼稚園教師之專業內涵,課程內容包含教師倫理觀念的釐清、教師專業工作的探討、教師工作之困境、與其他教師專業成長等方面的課題。本課程之進行方式將採用課堂講述、影片賞析、小組討論與報告等方式;除了提供幼教相關議題的基礎與背景瞭解之外,並希望藉由課堂的討論與報告,幫助釐清幼教相關概念,以結合理論與實務。修習完本課程之後,學生需能瞭解幼稚園教師之工作內涵,幼教師的角色與幼兒發展的關係,並能夠對於幼教師的專業倫理有正確的認識。 Syllabus The purpuse of the course is to prepare preservice teachers for their professional development as well as understanding their professional ethics in the kindergarten. The content includes an introduction to morality and ethics, ethical dimentions and dilemmas of early childhood education, ethical responsibilities to children, families, colleagues as well as community and society.