朝陽科技大學 096學年度第1學期教學大綱
Seminar of Financial Econometrics(II) 財務金融計量(二)

當期課號 7023 Course Number 7023
授課教師   Instructor  
中文課名 財務金融計量(二) Course Name Seminar of Financial Econometrics(II)
開課單位 財務金融系碩士班二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程為研究群之「專題研究」課程,教師依研究領域專長分組,共同指導研究的學習方式,豐富師徒制的碩士班教學研究內涵;並逐步發展為具學術特色之研究群。 Objectives Faculty in the Department of Finance is grouped as several teams according their majors and research areas. The research team can provide the course of independent study on some specific issues that they are interested in.
教材   Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 依朝陽科技大學管理學院各系碩士班專題研究課程成績考核通則辦理 Grading 依朝陽科技大學管理學院各系碩士班專題研究課程成績考核通則辦理
教學內容 本課程為研究群之「專題研究」課程,教師依研究領域專長分組,共同指導研究的學習方式,豐富師徒制的碩士班教學研究內涵;並逐步發展為具學術特色之研究群。 Syllabus Faculty in the Department of Finance is grouped as several teams according their majors and research areas. The research team can provide the course of independent study on some specific issues that they are interested in.