朝陽科技大學 096學年度第1學期教學大綱
Career Planning 資管人的規劃

當期課號 2301 Course Number 2301
授課教師 李朱慧 Instructor LEE,CHU HUI
中文課名 資管人的規劃 Course Name Career Planning
開課單位 資訊管理系(四日)一B Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 1 Credits 1
課程目標 本課程旨在在導引及協助資管系大一新生明瞭本系之修業規章、本系各科教師專長、本校及本系提供之資源、及資管系四技生於大學四年學習之修業及生涯規劃。透過本課程期使本系新生能及早進入學習狀態、透過教師引導以激勵新生用心為自己的生涯做好衝刺與準備。 Objectives The objective of this course is to let the freshmen understand the curriculum, the staffs, the courses, the evnironment, and the resources provided by the school and department of information management. This is a guiding course specifically designed for IM students. Team works and open discussions are designed to lead the students for planning their university career.
教材 1. 資管人學習參考手冊,朝陽科技大學資訊管理系出版 http://www.im.cyut.edu.tw (資管系網頁)
2. http://www.lib.cyut.edu.tw(圖書館網頁)
3. http://www.cc.cyut.edu.tw(電算中心)
Teaching Materials 1.http://www.im.cyut.edu.tw
成績評量方式 1. 作業 (20%)
2. 分組報告 (50%)
3. 課堂參與 (30%)
Grading 1. Homework 20%
2. Team Work & Report 50%
3. Attendance 30%
教師網頁 www.cyut.edu.tw/~chlee
教學內容 1.本系之修業規章
Syllabus The goal of this course is to guide the IM freshmen to acquaint the campus life, to understand the IM curriculleum, to plan their career and to know all the resources for better success. There will be no exam in this course. However, team works and projects are required. One of the major concerns to pass this course is the attendance.