朝陽科技大學 096學年度第1學期教學大綱
Meeting Practice in English 會議英文與演練

當期課號 2075 Course Number 2075
授課教師 麥哲恩 Instructor TURTON,MICHAEL ANDREW
中文課名 會議英文與演練 Course Name Meeting Practice in English
開課單位 應用外語系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程是以國際商業會議為練習主題,再加上國際會議禮儀及規範之訓練,以模擬實際開會為主要練習方式,使同學能熟練國際會議之狀況。英文訓練亦為課程之重點。 Objectives We’re going to create the environment for students to simulate the international business meetings. We’d like to have different business themes to discuss in our meetings. Furthermore, international meetings manners are also the points of training. Basic business concepts are also the training points through these simulation meetings. English will be our communication language during the meetings.
教材 網上教材
CLASS BLOG http://meetingenglish.blogspot.com/
Teaching Materials Online Materials
CLASS BLOG http://meetingenglish.blogspot.com/
成績評量方式 等級根據口頭翻譯出勤和表現。 出勤是必須的。 錯過超過的學生三類將出故障。將有幾次測驗和決賽 Grading Grade will be based on attendance and performance. Attendance is mandatory. Students who miss more than three classes will fail. There will be several quizzes and a final.
教學內容 那裡每類將是詞彙量、詞彙量慣例和測驗。 每類將有一個題材。 Syllabus Each class there will be vocabulary, vocabulary practice, and a quiz. Each class will have a theme.