朝陽科技大學 096學年度第1學期教學大綱
Multimedia English 視聽英文

當期課號 0260 Course Number 0260
授課教師 林貞儀 Instructor LIN,JEN YI
中文課名 視聽英文 Course Name Multimedia English
開課單位 校訂選修(日間部) Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 以電影、短片、及歌曲探討英文,進而帶領學生體會不同的英文文化。 Objectives Using authentic materials such as movies, clips and songs to take students on the trip of exploring English, and more importantly, to lead students to experience English culture.
教材 教師設計之講義及數位學習教材。

簡易電影故事閱讀小本: Penguin Readers系列
Teaching Materials Paper-based handouts as well as e-learning materials designed by the teacher.

Reading: Penguin Readers
成績評量方式 出席率及參與度:25%
作業、報告: 30%
期中考: 20%
期末考: 25%
Grading Attendance & Participation: 25%
Assignment: 30%
Mid-term Exam: 20%
Final Exam: 25%
教師網頁 http://webct.cyut.edu.tw/webct/entryPage.dowebct
教學內容 本課程不僅藉影音多媒體教授英語,更希望藉其所富含的影音資訊帶領學生認識複雜抽象的西方文化。我們將透過英語歌曲、電影、電視影集、廣告等來觀察討論下列主題:

I. Stereotype
II. Relationship (Love & Family)
感情 (愛戀 及 家庭)
III. Hero
IV. Holiday: Christmas
假日: 聖誕節

Syllabus This course is designed to encourage learners not only to learn English but to explore complex and abstract western culture by means of powerful multi-media. We will discuss the following issues revealed in authentic English songs, movies, TV series and commercials:

I. Stereotype
II. Relationship (Love & Family)
III. Hero
IV. Holiday: Christmas

A communicative approach is adopted. Classroom activities include 'discussion', 'role-play', 'report', 'brainstorming', 'problem-solving task', etc. A contrastive approach will be exploited whenever possible to help learners develop a critical view as well as an awareness of self-identity in the face of often problematic stereotypes or images.